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Our beloved father and husband, Allan, wanted nothing more in life than to help others. Affectionately known as 'Big Al', he was infinitely generous with both his time and love for all who he knew. His reward was an abundance of lifelong friends and loving family, which fulfilled him more than any riches could. His proudest achievement was the South Mountain Kids of Phoenix, an organization that he founded with his dear friend Joe Caldwell, which allows hundreds of underprivileged children the opportunity to attend professional sporting events as special guests of the teams.

He will be missed dearly by his loving wife Sandy, his adoring children and his grandson, Julius, who was the light of his life. We welcome each and every one of you to share your thoughts, memories, photographs, and laughs on this dedication page for Big Al.

In his memory we are asking that all gifts and charitable donations go to the Boys & Girls Club, so his dedication to the betterment of children everywhere can continue through all of us.
Boys & Girls Club of the East Valley 

May 30
May 30
Allie boy, you'll never believe that I went to baseball game last week...I know that you were out there...somewhere...
May 30
My sweet, funny, loving cousin Allan, you will always be missed, but you can also be proud of the indelible memories you created and your kids and grandson. Our family will always keep you in our hearts and a seat at the deli. Love you forever and beyond.
April 14
April 14
My dear Allan. You have no idea how missed you are. Your loss is still fresh, but rest in peace knowing we still think of you and love you, tell stories about you and laugh, and cry.
April 14
April 14
The best people were born in April. You, me and Sandy. Wish you were here for a birthday hug! We miss you and share memories of you all the time. Love Harry and Lorraine.
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
You'd think it would get easier as time goes by, but it never does. NOT a day goes by that I don't miss my buddy, my cousin, my big brother, my partner in legal endeavors and discussions, my brunch pal, my Zabar's rep, my sports go-to, my Allie Boy. I hope you are totally at peace and giving everyone a run for their money. Love you always, Allan.
April 15, 2023
April 15, 2023
Happy Birthday Dad! We wish you were here to meet our little girl Ginger and to see how big Julius has gotten. We love you.
April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023
Steve and I were just talking about Allan. About how he'd be amazed by Steve's newfound sports knowledge and about how much the two of them would have been able to share together sports-wise with Steve's newfound love of hockey and baseball. We miss him a lot and think of and talk about him all the time.
April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023
Still missing you and wishing you were still around...
May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022
Life will never be the same without you Dad. We miss and love you always ❤️
May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022
Forever Missed is exactly true about my dear cousin Allan. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him, mention him, share a cherished memory, and always, miss him. I'll never forget his enthusiasm. Once, he was calling me when I could not answer the phone, so I sent him a message asking not to call me and that I'd call him back when I could, later. His response? He called me right back, saying, "Ah! I got you!" RIP Allan.
May 30, 2022
May 30, 2022
We still miss you Big AL! Love, Lorraine and Harry
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Hey Allie Boy,
Had dinner the other night with Laurie, Eli, Ellen and Gabe.
I know we all thought that a few more people should have been there, and then Cousin Laurie brought your name up, and we all said oh yeah, him too...
Still miss you and think of you...

April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
It is a testament to a person's significance that he is part of everyday conversations, memories, laughter and thoughts, and is missed as much today as the first day he passed. I cannot say Allan was lost, because he is not gone. He is with us in all we do, say and share with others lucky enough to have Allan in their lives and even with others who were not. I just had dinner with one of his best and oldest friends, Steve Prezant, and I promise you, Allan was with us. Allan, I love you always, but I send you extra love on your birthday, Allie Boy.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
It was just several weeks ago that we reconnected with Sandy, Susan and Karen on a Zoom celebration of Bob's 80th birthday, and it was great to see them. And then, three days later we spent some hours with Mike at the physical event. Our conclusion: Mike is truly Allan's son—so personable, caring, and full of stories! Saying this makes us wish we could spend hours once more with Allan. What fond memories we have—even if he loved the Yankees while I was a Dodger fan!
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
Hey Allie Boy,
Still miss you and think of you...
Just so you know
And I'm sure that Danny feels the same way, but he probable lets you know.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
Dearest Allan, Today marks 6 years from one of the worst days of my life, because you were part of the best days of my life, but I keep you with me all the time. Your name is part of frequent conversations and memories. I promise that every time I hear something funny in sports, or have a great meal, or experience a special moment with "our" kids and grandson, you are right there alongside us. You must be so proud of your family. You raised super mensches and Julius is in all our hearts and under our skin. I kvell and brag about him for us both. We'll keep an eye on them all for you.

A funny memory: your client, a young, African American man, was "allegedly" involved in an armed robbery and accidentally shot himself in the butt while escaping. You had to explain why he was in the all-white neighborhood if not to commit a crime. Your answer? For "choir practice." Love you forever, Big Al.
May 30, 2021
May 30, 2021
You are forever in our hearts Dad ♥️
We love and miss you always! 
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
Happy birthday Dad! It’s a beautiful spring day and Julius is playing with the butterflies in the park. We miss you and remember you always ❤️❤️❤️
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
Dearest Allan, I promise that every time I hear something funny in sports, or have a great meal, or experience a special moment with "our" kids and grandson, you are right there alongside us. You'd be so proud of your family as you always were. You raised super mensches and Julius is in all our hearts and under our skin. We'll keep an eye on them all for you. Love you forever and extra on your birthday.
July 31, 2020
July 31, 2020
I knew Alan from his time in Mohegan Colony. Met him as a camper in 1951 or so. I read these lovely tributes and for the most part clearly recognize that gentle, thoughtful kid from 1951. I last saw Alan in the summer of 1967 with the draft breathing down our necks. If I recall he was considering getting a deferment by becoming a teacher in Brooklyn or a parole officer. Ultimately we both ended up as attorneys. 
May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
My dear Allie Boy,

You are with me all the way as you have always been. I will miss you forever and celebrate whenever I can. You'd be happy to know that your kids are amazing and I love them dearly and we are carrying on the family traditions nobly, including Susie and my lox tribute today! I'm glad you ate all the sable. What else were you supposed to do? Love you forever, Allan.
May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you Dad! Love you always...
Your girl ❤️
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020
Dear Kuslansky Family,

Al, happy birthday on your 75th. We think of you and your family often and we hope that all is well. It is amazing how quickly time passes. Best wishes to your family.

The Butlers
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Darling cousin Allan, I miss you every day and every day was better when you were here, but I'm glad you aren't dealing with the politics and hardships left behind. Rest in peace and I hope you're surrounded by your heroes in life and in sports, philosophy, history, eating kosher deli and the best appetizing. I'll love you forever. Only problem is that you didn't use email on earth, so the odds are slim you do now;-) but you know how I feel. You always did.
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
We love and miss you Dad! Happy 75th birthday... ❤️
May 30, 2019
May 30, 2019
Dad, I hope you can look down and see your big boy Julius today, headed to the ball park with Jake, baseball glove in hand and the biggest smile on his face. Be sure to have yourself a hot dog and join in when they sing "take me out to the ball game", today is for you as much as it is for them. We love you and miss you...
April 14, 2019
April 14, 2019
My darling cousin Allan, we will always celebrate you the way you'd want us to -- by eating and laughing. When I miss you and cry, I literally say "I know, I know. You don't want me to be sad and I'm trying." But I won't stop missing you, thinking of you, attempt to call you because I want to share something with you, or because I need you on my side to battle someone/something, but then I realize you are always with us. I love you, Allie Boy.
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
Happy birthday dad! Not a day goes by that I do not think of you, love you and miss you. Thank you so much for the glorious sunshine you sent us today. Julius ran and laughed and celebrated Spring...
May 31, 2017
May 31, 2017
As the years go by I realize more and more just how special our friendship was and will always be ... truly irreplaceable.

I miss you more today than ever before

May your smile be brighter today and your laughter louder now than ever before
May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017
Dear Sandy and all,
Allan is still such a fabulous and vital uncle to our kids and brother-in-law to us... we often think of him and what he might have said or laughed about or what he would have related a great and funny story about.
We all miss Uncle Allan and we would love to see all of you anytime at our house or at our beach house. Sending our love and our prayers for comfort and peace
April 15, 2017
April 15, 2017
Your light will never go out, Al. You are still with us and always will be. I wish you whatever you wish for yourself and send you eternal love.
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
You transmitted so much love and joy! So admire you!
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Happy Birthday Dad! Even though we are in Red Sox territory today, we know you are smiling down on us... We love you!
May 31, 2016
May 31, 2016
Whether a year goes by or a lifetime, I will never forget my beloved cousin Allan. You'd think that time would make it easier, but it does not. My life is forever changed and not a day goes by that I don't miss him just as much as the day before, or a year ago, so I guess that is how it will be, but it is only because Allan was such a big, smiling, laughing, loving, powerful, fun, funny presence. He gave so much to so many, but was so humble. He told me so many powerful and loving things. Love you always Allan. I will see you again, when you will talk too loudly and I can't wait.
May 30, 2016
May 30, 2016
We stopped to reflect about Alan today. We think of him often and have only wonderful memories of a great and very loved man. Today we think of the impact he had on all of us. His amazing family, Sandy, his children and grandson, such a special family, partly because of who he was and the love and strength that he shared. Alan was a true friend, a generous soul and a shining light. HIs spirit lives on though we all
miss him dearly.
September 12, 2015
September 12, 2015
Many times when someone passes, time dulls the acute feeling of loss and life returns to normal. That may be for other people, but not for my cousin Allan. Not a day goes by since my darling cousin Allan died that I don't think of him, miss him, feel sad, can't fully believe it, quote him to someone else, or wish that wishing could bring him back so our lives could be "normal" and complete again, with him with us. It still hurts like hell. Love you Al and always will. Karen, Susan, Michael and Sandy and all his wonderful family and friends - you are not alone if you feel this way.
September 11, 2015
September 11, 2015
Dear Sandy, Michael, Susan & Karen,
Your husband/dad was one of the kindest, funniest, most warmhearted people I ever had the privilege of knowing. In a profession where some practitioners seem to enjoy being mean and nasty, Allan always was always a gentleman; always polite and civil, even in adversarial situations.
But what I will miss most will be our conversations about politics (we rarely agreed;), our families and our mutual love of sports. He loved to share stories about his wonderful family, he loved you all so much! I hope all of your wonderful memories of him will bring you comfort in the difficult days and months ahead.
Matt Bennett
September 4, 2015
September 4, 2015
Dearest Mrs. Kuslansky,Michael,Susan,and Karen,
 I am so sorry to hear this news. Mr. Kuslansky was one of the kindest people I will ever know and I feel so lucky to have known him his heart was pure sunshine. I truly love you all very much and I will think of Mr. K. every time I see a butterfly.
September 1, 2015
September 1, 2015
Allan gave so much of himself. He was a remarkable human being in so many ways.Truly a unique human being. I am so saddened by his passing. I wish his family only the best. I am sure that each one of you carries some part of his wonderful spirit.
July 24, 2015
July 24, 2015
Oh, my. For 45 years I have been fortunate to have Sandy, a special sister, and Allan, a marvelous brother-in-law. His friendship & delight whenever we got our families together was contagious. Fun times at Lake Mohegan with Rose and Abe & Sandy and everyone have been long-remembered. Thanksgivings brought you all to our house, where before dinner Allan would gather the cousins and take them (out of the kitchen) to the Macy's Parade. Those memories last a lifetime and are often fondly remembered.

Years have flown by, but we always enjoyed Allan's stories, which he was just as excited to tell as we were to hear. We could never get enough & thought we could always listen to more. We never dreamed we'd lose him so soon.
We are grateful for such a dear & unique man in Allan. He has left us with an enchantment in our hearts.
July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015
Al, I will always remember the HUGE smile on your face each and every time I snuck up behind you and screamed "AL!" at Madison Square Garden all those years ... You'd stand up, turn around .. throw your hands in the air and scream "RICHIE!!!!!" as hundreds of others looked at us like we were crazy. So many of the most fun memories of my entire life we shared together and those memories are irreplaceable....  No one in the world knew how to make their friend feel like the most important friend in the world like you did. I will always treasure our awesome friendship. Lastly, thanks for caring enough about our friendship to call me each and every year for the last 15 years to share your love for your new life .... What a special tradition we had and it was only because you cared enough about me to always check up on me to make sure I was doing great.... New Years day will never be the same without my phone ringing and hearing your awesome FUN voice! Just hearing your laughter on the telephone was enough for me to know that all was well in your life. I'll truly miss you and will always be so incredibly grateful to God to have had the pleasure of calling you my truly awesome friend ... Richie
July 13, 2015
July 13, 2015
All of us here at the Boys & Girls Clubs of the East Valley are sorry for your loss. We would like to extend our appreciation to the family for thinking of our kids.
June 27, 2015
June 27, 2015
dear sandy,mike,sue and Karen,

it was with profound shock,which turned into deep sorrow, when I was informed by laurie kuslansky that one of my oldest and dearest friends allan had passed away.

58 years ago we met each other as campers in lake Mohegan n. y. @ mary lewis day camp-the twin prezant brothers (steve and danny) and the two alans-allan kuslansky and myself-alan(Conway)farber.

our familys have remained good friends for all those years-through happiness and sorrow-thru births and deaths.

allan,i truly did not know how sick you were.

may you finally rest in peace.

elinor and alan (Conway)farber
June 19, 2015
June 19, 2015
Aunt Sandy, Mike, Susan and Karen - I was so sorry to hear of the passing of Uncle Allan. We have such fond memories of our trips to visit the cousins in Cornwall. We have had not had much contact in recent years, but as I read through these tributes, it is inspiring to see how Uncle Allan continued to touch the lives of so many.
June 15, 2015
June 15, 2015
My thoughts and prayers are with Sandy and the family during this difficult time. Al was a great person with such compassion for other people that we will all feel the sadness of a world without him. I can only imagine your loss. My only comfort is knowing that he has been spared any further pain and that he leaves behind a family who dearly loved him and a life; fully-lived. I feel blessed to have known him.
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
I remember wherever you were in the house you could hear Mr. Kuslansky rooting on the Yankees through the tv in the kitchen. And who could forget the big "Hello" with the hand swinging over his head if you saw him in town.
 I am very sorry for your loss.
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Recent Tributes
May 30
May 30
Allie boy, you'll never believe that I went to baseball game last week...I know that you were out there...somewhere...
May 30
My sweet, funny, loving cousin Allan, you will always be missed, but you can also be proud of the indelible memories you created and your kids and grandson. Our family will always keep you in our hearts and a seat at the deli. Love you forever and beyond.
Recent stories

Did you hear, Willie?!

May 31, 2016

In our family, credentials (as in doctor, lawyer, Indian chief) were (too) important. Life began ... after medical school.  Showing up at family events in the 1950s forward was like being on American Idol, surrounded by Simon Cowells dressed as uncles, aunts, cousins, extended family and friends, who peppered you with the Jewish cross examination: What are you studying (already)? Where will you go to school (already, why not Harvard)?  When will you graduate (already)? What will you be (already)?  When will you marry (rich, already)?  

A lot of pressure combined with love and salty, fatty foods.  As the youngest cousin, coming up was a tall ladder to climb, not to mention painful challenges in my immediate family that made it even harder. Despite the odds, I persevered and completed my Ph.D. at Columbia University (aka, I finally arrived).  I never knew how other people reacted until one day, many years later, Allan told me something sweet and powerful:  1) I was a hero because it was a miracle that I did it under the circumstances that I did, and 2) that his dad, darling Uncle Abie, harrassed dear lifelong family friend and neighbor, Willie Prezant, about it.  He harangued him and cornered him at the pool, saying, "Willie!  You know what?!  You know my niece, Laurie?  She got her doctorate! You hear?!  Listen, Willie!  Laurie, she's a doctor!!!!"  So sweet.  Thanks, Al.  Thanks Uncle Abe. 

The fight

July 26, 2015

One summer's day in the 1960s, our neighbor's daughter, Pauline Alpert, a typical brainy, liberal child of the '60s, engaged in a long political debate with my father, Harry.  The two sat outside on lawn chairs under the sun for what seemed an endless amount of time, when Pauline saw Allan approach.  

Exhausted, she got up and asked Allan to please take over the debate.  "Sure," Allan said, and sat down next to my dad, as Pauline lumbered away, spent.
Allan, who knew my father well, simply asked, "Uncle Harry, is there anything I could possibly say that could change your mind?"  "Nothing," my father replied. So Allan said, "Good, then let's eat." and off they went, laughing together, to grab a bite, while Pauline, bewildered, shouted back, "That's how you took over the fight?!"

Mike the fisherman

July 26, 2015

One summer, I was in a group share house in Belmar at the Jersey shore with my close friend, Joyce Parseghian, who was also my roommate in the city.  Allan knew her and they got along famously.

Joyce was interested in a guy named Art who ran hot and cold and wasn't giving her the attention she wanted, so Allan came up with a plan.  One weekend, he said that he would take his son Mike, then about 8, deep-sea fishing, and they'd bring us what they caught (blue fish), which they did, in the middle of the night.  Allan told Joyce to invite Art for dinner, saying we had fresh-caught bluefish, and when he was there, to make him jealous by telling him that her date, this great guy named "Mike," caught it the night before for her. Worked like a charm!  We never mentioned that her date, Mike, was my 8-year-old cousin. 

(Meantime, poor little Michael was seasick the whole time, in the middle of the night on a boat, out on the choppy ocean, surrounded by older men and fish.  Sorry, Mike. It was for a good cause.) 

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